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Event Planning Anywhere

01/27/2021 industry_insights, branding_basics

Whether in person or online, learn the Do’s and Don’t’s to planning your brand's next online or hybrid event.

The first rules to event planning are to always be prepared with a plan b, and expect the unexpected. Instead of canceling trade shows, meetings and more, use creative strategies to host the same events online or in a hybrid setting. Learn more special tips and tricks and check out our trade show promotional items to make your next virtual or hybrid event a hit!\

Don’t: Rule Out a Hybrid Setting

As we wait optimistically to meet in person again, we can look forward to potentially hosting hybrid events. Hybrid events are both virtual and in-person for very small audiences (20 people or fewer) and are a great opportunity to connect in person, even if it is limited. Experts predict that hybrid events could become popular this year and 68% of marketers say that a hybrid format will play a key role in 2021 event strategies according to event success platform Bizzabo. With special precautions, this can be a great way to host traditional events while limiting audience exposure.

Hybrid Event Planning

Do: Use Tools to Encourage Engagement

Since they are joining from home, it can be easy to feel disconnected from the meeting. Instead of treating it like “just another video call,” try to treat online and hybrid events the same way you would in-person. A great way to do this is to send invitations, specially branded swag and thank you notes to show how much your brand appreciates their attendance.

Don’t: Forget to Schedule Breaks

Expecting an audience's full attention for extended periods of time is unrealistic. Since it can be extremely easy to get distracted when viewing from home, it’s very important to schedule breaks. To raise engagement, try encouraging a fun game or quiz and offer special gift cards or branded prizes for the winner.

Do: Promote Virtual Events

One of the best things about hosting virtual events is that the audience size can be almost unlimited. Use social media for free as an opportunity to promote your event for free to raise attendance and get audiences excited for the event ahead of time. If your event is more exclusive with a small or limited audience, consider sending a customized curated kit to impress and get them excited for the event.;

Don’t: Forget to Share Your Success

After the event is over, try to repurpose the content to remind them what they learned or experienced. Utilize social media platforms to post photos of the event now and share what attendees are posting too. This will serve as a great reminder for future events and generate great publicity for your brand.;

To learn more about planning virtual and hybrid events check out the article from the Advertising Specialty Institute: COVID and Events: Where Do We Go From Here?

Be the life of the event! Contact your Staples Representative for more ideas, inspiration or to order today. Don’t have a Staples Rep? Call 1.800.369.4669 or email scs@staples.comto get started.